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MKick 1.6
(c) 1992-1994 MJSoft System Software
Martin Mares
MKick is a replacement of KickIt, ZKick and LKick kickers for use on
machines with kickstart 1.2 or 1.3 in ROM (It also tries to be as powerful
as SinSoft's SKick).
The main advantages of MKick are:
- ability to relocate any kickstart to CHIP, FAST (C0-RAM), NON-AUTOCONFIG
RAM or EXPANSION RAM if a relocation table is supplied.
- standard operation (like ZKick) if the relocation table is not available.
- reading of both KickIt and ROM Image kickstart formats (encrypted
beta-ROMs for A600 must be converted by MakeKick)
- patch function using supplied patch file (may correct known kickstart bugs).
- can be started from both the command line and the Workbench.
- Graphic User Interface (GUI).
- Small code size, because it's written completely in assembly.
- loaded kickstart survives user reset and crashes (when the ExecBase is not
- C0-RAM salvage: many kickstarts perform destructive tests of C0-RAM (FAST
RAM). MKick stores critical bytes in its own storage and restores their
contents after memory tests.
- If you have kickstart 39.106 or higher, the alert timing constant
(execbase+$20E) won't be lost during reboot.
- Non-autoconfig can be added automatically without using special resident
- ROM Kickstart can be relocated to RAM. This speeds up system operation on
the most of accelerated systems (e.g. GVP A530 Turbo). In this case, you
needn't the kickstart image file, MKick will load it directly from your ROM.
- Waits for all disks to be validated before performing any operation.
New in V1.6:
- New memlist named Kickstart is created if the KS image is not stored in
one of of original memlists. This prevents MonAm from treating KS image
as out-of-memory space.
- Ability to get rid of resident modules by simply pressing the left mouse
button at correct time (see below).
- The .RTB files are no longer distributed in this archive, because I have
never heard about anyone trying to modify the kickstart headers. If you
need the RTB to recompile the kickstart header for patch inclusion, you can:
(1) Download the latest version of SKick archive, which contains the
RTB files.
(2) Extract the RTBL chunk from the .kick file. (Extract only chunk body,
not the header!)
(3) Ask me.
MKick, its documentation and all the utilites (MakeKick, MakeKickDisk and
SwitchScript) are Copyright (C) MJSoft System Software 1994, Prague, Czech
This archive may be freely redistributed, but only in original unmodified
state. No files can be added, modified, removed etc. All copyright notices in
the programs and accompanying documentation files must remain on their places.
Also '.displayme' and other similar files may not be added.
Contents of the archive:
MKick - executable code of the program
MKick.info - icon
MKick.doc - this file
History - history of development
MakeKick - utility for making of kickstart header files
MakeKick.doc - its documentation
MakeKickDisk - utility for making of kickstart disks with track-loader
MakeKickDisk.doc - its documentation
README.3.1 - some information on 3.1 kickstarts
SwitchScript - utility for easy switching of startup scripts
SwitchScript.doc - its documentation
SumKick - utility for calculating the kickstart image checksum
SumKick.doc - its documentation
KSHD/*.kick - kickstart headers for various kickstarts
KSHD/*.kshd - source files for kickstart headers
Delta/* - delta files to recover patched kickstarts
(see delta/README for more info)
Included kickstart headers:
The kickstart header files containing the relocation table and information
needed to load the kickstart are supplied for following kickstarts:
kick37175.A500 standard 2.04 for A500+
kick39046.A500.BETA beta-version of 3.0 (*)
kick39106.A1200 standard 3.0 for A1200
kick39110.A500.BETA beta-version of 3.0 (*)
kick39115.A3000.BETA beta-version of 3.0 (*)
kick39115.A3000SK.BETA beta-version of 3.0, SuperKickstart file (*)
kick40003.A3000.BETA beta-version of 3.0, SuperKickstart file (*)
kick40038.A600.BETA beta-version of 3.1 (*)
kick40068.A600 final version of 3.1
(*)- Available only to official developers.
For 3.1 kickstarts, see notes in README.3.1.
If you have a kickstart which is not included in this list, try to download
latest version of SKick if it contains RTB and PAT files for your kickstart
and convert them by the MakeKick utility (AUTO option).
System requirements:
- Amiga 500, 1000 or 2000
- Minimally 1 meg of RAM (all possible combinations)
- Kickstart 1.2 or 1.3 in ROM
- arp.library in the LIBS: directory
The kickstart images are normally stored in directory DEVS:Kickstarts.
The kickstart header files are stored on the same place. This directory is
searched automatically in the GUI mode and can be overriden by the KICKDIR
option (see below).
To install MKick, copy the MKick executable (with its icon) into any place
where you wish to have it, create the DEVS:Kickstarts directory and copy
header files for all your kickstarts to it. Then copy the kickstart images
itself and rename them to names of header files, but without any extension
(it's also possible to rename the header files according to kickstart image).
All the files of one particular kickstart must have identical names (except
Note: There are no kickstart images in this archive.
For best operation, you should insert calling of MKick as the first line of
your Startup-sequence. It allows MKick to handle all operations requiring
system reboot (switching from one kickstart in RAM to another one etc.)
automatically. When you hold down the left mouse button during system reboot,
the GUI screen will appear.
MKick usage:
MKick may be called either from the CLI or from the Workbench.
Invocation from the CLI
Syntax: MKick [<kickstart>] [<memory options>] [<other options>]
[<debug options>]
Kickstart specification:
These parameters specify which kickstart do you want to use:
<name> - install kickstart specified by its name
GUI - show GUI allowing to select the kickstart and some basic
options by the mouse (or the rat if you have one :-)
ROM - go back to ROM kickstart
Memory options:
These options control the place you want to store the kickstart on:
NOREL - load kickstart to its original memory location. Used automati-
cally when you have no relocation table for the kickstart.
But only few kickstarts are on such locations where you have
some RAM. (Many kickstarts are stored in standard ROM memory
(at F80000 and higher). Only the beta-ROMs are located at
200000 (standard expansion memory) sometimes.)
ADR <address> - load kickstart at specified address. It's used mostly for
debugging or when kicking to RAM placed on unusual location.
The address is specified in hexadecimal (base-16) notation.
All addresses of type 00xx0000 (xx is any number) can be
written in short form: xx (this is the notation introduced
in SKick). The kickstart address must be a multiple of 64K
(the last four digits _MUST_ be 0) and mustn't be less than
These options may be combined (you can say MKick kick34005.a500
CHIP FAST) and MKick will automatically select the best possible
location. (The standard order is NAC/EXP/FAST/CHIP, from top
to bottom. It is based on standard priority scheme used by Exec.
See also ADDMEM.) These options affect memory types offered
by the GUI.
<nothing> - When you specify no memory control options, MKick will assume
that CHIP, FAST, EXP and NAC options are set.
ADDMEM <base> <size> [<priority>] - add a region of NON-AUTOCONFIG RAM to the
system. The non-autoconfig (NAC) RAM can be found on many
accelerated systems. The basic property of this type of memory
is that it's present when the machine is rebooted, but no part
of the operating system is able to find it and give it to all
application programs. The manufacturers usually supply some
utility which is able to do the memory adding for you, but these
utilities have significant problems with the most of kickers.
In this case, you can simply say MKick where is your memory
located, how large is it (specified in bytes; both the address
and the size are hexadecimal numbers; the shortened form used
by ADR can be used here, too). The priority is a decimal number
in range <-128;127>. All regions of available memory are sorted
by their priority (expansion memory has 10, fast RAM 0, chip RAM
-10, default for ADDMEM is 20). When a program tries to allocate
some memory, the Exec will use available memory chunk with the
highest priority it founds and because the NAC RAM is often the
fastest one in the system, it's very good to use it first.
Other options:
AUTO - exit if already kicked. The operation you have selected won't be
done if there is already some kickstart in RAM or if you sele-
cted (by the ROM option or by the GUI) that you want to use ROM
kickstart. For example: if you have MKick in your startup-sequence
and you want to start KS 3.0 when you boot first time, you can
say 'MKick DEVS:Kickstarts/Kick39106.A1200 AUTO' in this case.
It will prevent MKick from trying to re-kick whenever you boot
and will allow you to stay in ROM KS without changing anything.
you can also say 'MKick AUTO GUI' - it displays GUI only when
you didn't select any kickstart before.
NOTAGS - remove all resident modules before kicking. MKick tries to use
smart algorithm of removing of modules, which could cause system
crash, but there could be an exception that isn't capable of
being handled by this way. If MKick doesn't work on your system,
try to use this option.
NOPATCH - don't use the patches. The patch tables are usually built to
fix known kickstart bugs. Some of these bugs can cause wrong
operation of kickers. Don't use this option when you don't know
what are you really doing.
KICKDIR <x> - search for kickstarts in specified directory. The default is
"DEVS:Kickstarts". It affects only the GUI.
CACHE - turn on CPU caches as soon as it's possible. The machines
equipped with 68020 or higher CPU have a CACHE MEMORY. When
it's used, it speeds up a bit all operations, but not all
programs are compatible with this CPU enhancement. The caches
are normally switched on by CPU, SETCPU or other similar
command, which can be started from the startup-sequence.
If you want to enable the caches automatically, you should
specify this option.
Debug options:
WAIT - wait for RETURN key before resetting the machine. If you enter
'q', MKick will stop the action and exit immediately without
deallocating any memory, therefore you can look at MKick's
resident module and similar things. If you see that something
is wrong, you can press CTRL-C (MKick checks CTRL-C before it
installs the resident tags and before each reboot). In this
case, MKick deallocates all used memory and terminates. The
checking of CTRL-C doesn't depend on WAITing.
DEBUG - turn on debugging information. It consists of two sequences
of colourful stripes displayed during reboot with RAM KS.
The first set of stripes (all colours) is displayed before
the RAM KS is started. The second (black & white) one is
displayed when MKick fixes RAM, adds autoconfig devices
and does many other things. During the second phase, if you
hold the left mouse button and you have KS V36 or higher, the
startup-sequence will be disabled (the mouse button is tested
immediately after the black & white stripes appear). Please
include effect of this option if you are preparing a bug
report for me. Warning: pressing of LMB during the first phase
has different effect - removing of all resident modules.
NOTEST - don't test kickstart image before using it. Don't use, because
invalid kickstart images don't work properly.
FORCE - don't fail if kickstart memory can't be allocated. Used rarely,
but if you have some non-autoconfig memory at $600000 and you
don't want to use ADDMEM and the memory is not added to the
system, you should enter 'MKick <kickstart name> ADR 60 FORCE'.
Invocation from Workbench:
Simply double-click on MKick's icon and MKick will be started. Using
'Info' or 'Information' (WB 2.0 or higher), you may specify all previously
mentioned options using the tool types. The boolean (ON/OFF) switches can be
enabled using their name followed by '=' or '=ON'. If the kickstart name
(FILE=) is not specified, the GUI is started automatically.
Graphic User Interface:
When MKick is started in the GUI mode, a screen with a list of available
kickstarts will appear. You may select the kickstart you want to use or hit
Then you may select the type of RAM you want to store the kickstart to
want to choose the optimal location automatically). It's also possible to
disable the patches. Then hit the 'OK' gadget to start the whole loading
Types of operations:
- Normal loading - used when you load the kickstart to memory which is free
- Loading to temporary buffer - used when you want to load the kickstart to
memory which is not free, but if there is some room to load the image to.
- Hard loading - used if the FORCE option has been specified. In this case,
the RAM block containing the kickstart image will be allocated only if it's
possible. Unsuccessful allocation will not be reported.
- Disconnecting of C0-RAM - used if you have only 0.5M of CHIP RAM and 0.5M
of FAST RAM. MKick will perform a reset to disconnect the FAST RAM from the
system memory list. Then (if started again) it will load the kickstart to the
disconnected C0-RAM.
- Loading from kickstart disk - MKick allows to load the kickstart from the
floppy. It supports original SuperKickstart disks for the A3000 and the
specially formatted disks created by MakeKickDisk.
- Removing of RAM kickstart - uses reset
- Replacing RAM kickstart by another RAM kickstart - uses reset to remove the
old one and then (if started again, normally from the Startup-sequence) tries
to load the kickstart using one of previously mentioned methods.
Common problems:
- MKick has no effect - normal reboot happens: Some resident modules collide
with MKick. MKick normally tries to remove such modules, but ... you can fix
it by using of the NOTAGS option or by removing the module manually.
- Colourful stripes move on the screen and the machine seems to be crashed:
It occurs when MKick isn't able to allocate the kickstart block memory. Try
the operation again after a cold reboot.
- Black and white stripes and the machine seems to be crashed: Kickstart image
checksum error during AUTOSUM test. Some program has destroyed the kickstart.
Use MKick again.
- Black and white stripes, which disappear if you press the left mouse button:
MKick is unable to allocate space for some resident module. This should not
happen, but when it happens, it can be fixed if you select the NOTAGS switch.
- Quickly blinking power led with red color of screen background: Kickstart
image checksum doesn't match. Some program has destroyed the kickstart. Use
MKick again.
- "Incorrect or suspicious kickstart file" message: the kickstart file you
have supplied is corrupted or encrypted. The only thing you can do with
corrupted kickstart files is to throw them out. The encrypted files can be
decrypted using the MakeKick utility (see the KICKTO option of MakeKick).
- "Incorrect kickstart address in header file","Invalid kickstart original
address","Corrupted kickstart file","Kickstart file doesn't match the header",
"Error reading kickstart file" and other similar messages: The kickstart file
you have supplied doesn't match the kickstart header. Your kickstart can be
corrupted or patched, but there's also a possibility that you have choosed
wrong name of the kickstart.
- MKick can crash if you use some ROM remapping utility.
Removing of resident modules:
In several situations, you might want to remove all resident modules
which survive reset (such as RAD, NewAlertHook etc. - especially useful
if debugging such a thing). MKick can help you: If you hold the left mouse
button during system reboot (after initialization of ROM kickstart, but before
start of RAM one), the resident modules except MKick's own module are removed.
Warning: If you want to invoke bootmenu, you must press the buttons
after the RAM kickstart is started to avoid the actions described above.
- to Commodore-Amiga for the Operating System.
- to SinSoft for his SKick and a lot of good ideas.
- to Tomas Zikmund, Petr Cisar and Stefan Stuntz for beta-testing.
- ... (for ...?)
Final words:
This program, its documentation and all other files contained in this
archive, are (c) Copyright Martin Mares, Kankovskeho 1241, 182 00 Praha 8,
Czech Republic. This package is provided as is, any warranties cannot be
applied. Any usage of this program or other parts of this archive will be
done at your own risk!
Known bugs: MKick probably doesn't work with 68040 CPU, because I have no
beta-testers with such machine and I have no documentation for
this CPU.
Send bug reports and comments to mjsoft@k332.feld.cvut.cz
(When sending a bug report, you should describe what happens,
including effect of the NOTAGS, DEBUG and NOTEST options. Also try
to detect any dependence on memory you have the kickstart stored in
(use FAST, CHIP, EXP options) and don't forget to specify your
hardware configuration.)
Excuse me for my bad English and all bugs.